GI JOE Hentai

GI JOE Porn Story: LittleLadyhawkes Untamed Realm – Chapter 3

GI JOE Porn Story: LittleLadyhawkes Untamed Realm – Chapter 3

Authors notes: No flames please. I happen to addicted to Steve Irwin and his show. But the gambler in me says he cant beat the odds forever. (crikey!)

LittleLadyhawkes Untamed Realm:

Episode III

Good evening, and welcome to Untamed Realm. Once Again, Im your host JB. Tonight, we would like to start our show by saying goodbye to one of our colleagues. Mr. Steve Irwin was lost to us last week when he was mauled by a Kodiak Chihuahua. These rare but exceptionally aggressive animals are very dangerous, and if you see one, we advise you to report it immediately. At this time, we would like to observe a moment of silence for our fallen comrade

For the past few weeks we have been taking you inside the daily lives of a pack we here at Untamed Realm have become quite attached to. When we first started following these magnificent creatures, we assumed we would be able to learn all there was to know about them in a month, but here we are almost three months later and our education is still progressing by leaps and bounds.

As we were preparing to choose the subject for this week, it came to our attention that several members of the pack happen to possess special talents. Tonight we will focus on one such pack member. Tonight, we will introduce you to William S. Hardy, whom we have affectionately dubbed Wild Bill. Scientific name: Flyus Yeehawus.

Wild Bill is one of the more amusing pack members. He has dark circles that cover his eyes, as well as a large and sometimes ornate covering for his head. He communicates with his other pack members in a strangely-accented tongue. The other pack members seem to like him and he is welcomed into the many different sub-packs. The female pack members seem to find him especially endearing.

Once again, we begin our study early in the morning hours. Wild Bill tends to head for the feeding cave first thing, but unlike most of the others, after he has made a point to greet his fellow pack members he seems to prefer to make off with his meals instead of joining others at a feeding trough.

From our vantage point, we can clearly see the area of the territory our subject frequents on a daily basis. It is a barren plain made of concrete. At first we were perplexed as to its function, but as we spent time studying this particular ( or should we say peculiar) pack member, we came to realize it is a part of a specialized territory.

As we watch this amiable creature cross what we like to call the plain, he

approaches a large bird-like creature. Note how he struts around this beast, almost as if he were looking for anything out of place. While Wild Bill moves slow, and is a little less than graceful, there is an air of purpose to all his movements as he thoroughly checks the outside of the beast.

To our astonishment, once he has finished what we can only assume is an inspection, he climbs inside the beast! Rarely do we see this in nature, ladies and gentlemen, but here it is! After a few moments, the wings on the beast begin to rotate giving off a loud whining-roar. The beast then lifts into the air carrying Wild Bill with it! This is truly amazing. We are in amazement of the magnificence of the two creatures working together! At this time, it is unknown to us if one creature controls the other, but our theory is that the two work in tandem.

Unfortunately, since we are unable to track our subject from the air, we will have to wait and see if he returns to this spot. Our patience is rewarded some time later, as we hear the whining-roar of the beast as it comes closer.

The beast makes its graceful descent and lands without incident on the plain. When the wings come to a complete stop, Wild Bill exits the creature and does another inspection. He is obviously quite fond of his flying companion and seems to take great care that it is well taken care of. Seemingly satisfied with his assessment, he pats the creature affectionately on its snout and struts off across the plain in the direction of the day caves.

Once he has reached the day caves, he seeks out the pack leader Hawk. He enters the alpha-males day cave and seemingly makes some sort of report to him. We can only assume this has to do what he has observed during his aerial exercise.

As we mentioned earlier, Wild Bill is one of a specialized group of pack members, and tends to remain close to the territory and his flying companion. We believe this is because the two need to be close to one another should either of them be called to action by the pack leaders. He spends most of his day either assisting other pack members in their duties, or making sure his flying companion is well taken care of.

We have also noticed that he is a source of morale for his fellow pack members in that he seems to keep their spirits light with his jovial and often playful mannerisms. He has even made us laugh quite a few times at his antics.

While he is playful, make no mistake ladies and gentlemen that this is a creature, along with his flying companion, that can and will protect his pack and its territory. Playful but deadly. We cant help but be in awe of and respect our Wild Bill.

As night falls over the territory we are usually disappointed when we have to say goodnight to him as he struts to his evening cave. We take heart, however, in the fact that we will indeed see him again bright and early the next morning when he and his flying companion rise gracefully into the skies to protect the pack.

Im JB, and this has been LittleLadyhawkes Untamed Realm.

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