GI JOE Hentai

GI JOE Porn Story: Castles Heart Chapter 3

GI JOE Porn Story: Castles Heart Chapter 3

Alpine? Lady Jaye called out, closely to the wall. Alpine? Can you hear me?

Nothing. Alpine probably went to get help, she thought.’ Or he ran out of the castle faster than the Cobras did only moments ago.

She roamed her small flashlight around the small space. Where am I? she questioned herself. The thin light roamed the walls, cobwebs dominated the small area. She lifted the light towards the ceiling, more cobwebs. There was no door leading out, and no other indications of an exit! She was trapped.

This is just dandy, Lady Jaye mumbled to herself. There has to be another way to get out of here. She took two steps forward. Oof. She exhaled, her hip bumping into something solid. A small clatter came from the ground and lowered the thin beam of light, trying to identify the sound. The beam landed on a small round object. A green stone.

Lady Jaye bent over to pick up the small stone. Its surface was smooth, and its color greener than any emerald she had ever seen. Something triggered in her mind. But she could not recall what. Was there something special about this green stone? Her mind filled with the many myths, legends and folktales of Ireland and Scotland, but none mentioned this particular green stone. Looking at the stone once more before she gently put it down back on the cold floor.

A sound came from her right, making her turn slowly towards it. Her eyes widened, watching an unexplained phenomenon floating only a few feet from her. She blinked twice and found the mysterious white image had vanished. Properly my imagination running wild. she said to herself. Or, Cobra is using one of their hologram machines.

Moving towards the wall, she began to tap on the hard cold surface, trying to find a way out. There had to be some kind of lever, or secret brick stone which opened the hidden door. If she had gotten in, she could get out, she hoped. Her fingers traced the moldy stone wall, roaming around, trying to find anything.

Alpine? Can you hear me? She called out once more, hoping the Joe could hear, but knew it would be impossible from the thick stone wall between them.

Suddenly, her hand felt a small wooden object. Raising the beam of light on the wall, she immediately identified the object as an torch holder. Her hand slowly rose to the holder, and gently pushed downwards. Nothing.

Lady Jaye exhaled in aggravation and cursed in Gaelic under her tongue. Taking a few steps towards her right, her foot stumbled from a rock on the floor, causing her to loose her balance, falling against the wall, with her hands reaching forward, and touching a very moldy brick stone.

A rumbling sound perked her ears, and felt her hands begin to tremble. The wall itself began to move and a small passageway became revealed. Her heart jumped to her throat, and her eyes squinted in the darkness of the cobwebbed tunnel.

Either its a way out or a trap. Lady Jaye said outloud. Taking a few brave steps, the covert ops agent entered the dark passageway to the unknown. The thin light guided the way, creating dark haunted shadows dancing on the walls. A shiver went down her spine and she quickly shook it off.

A few feet into the passage way, the tunnel ended abruptly. A wooden door stood before her, initiating that there was no other choice. With a deep breath, she pushed it open and found herself in a large bedchamber.

The room itself indicated that it had never been touched for centuries, from the dominated dust and cobwebs. The thick dust which covered stone floor, indicated that no person had entered the bedchamber recently, not even Cobra Vipers.

She held the small flashlight tightly in her hand, roaming the light once again. A large four poster bed filled most of the room, its green curtains still tied on each post. A white long satin nightgown lay on the bed, still awaiting its owner.

The G. I. Joe member turned, facing a wall, and the light once again roamed, helping her see the room in a brighter detail. It skimmed on a painting of a woman which hung on the wall. The woman wore an emerald ankle length dress, with brightly red hair that even could surpass Scarletts red locks. Lady Jaye stepped closer, but an eerie scream echoing through the walls, caused every single hair on the back of her neck rise straight up.

Bump! The unexpected sound made her pivot towards the doorway. Someone was in the tunnel! Her heart began to race, pounding vigorously in her chest. She began making her way back through the wooden door, down the dark tunnel and once again found herself in the empty room. Seconds emerging from the hidden passageway, the stone wall shut itself, trapping her in the same room once again.

Oh, this is really dandy now! Im back where I started!

A rumble came from behind her, and the wall began to slide open. Her eyes widened, and her mouth went dry. Was this the way out? Or another trap? From the opening, a brown leather glove came through, holding a long torch. Her javelin!

Flint! she called out towards the man.

Flint entered the room, followed by Alpine. Lady Jaye! he cried out, walking up to embrace her tightly. Im so glad youre not hurt.

So am I. Alpine said, Flint vowed that if anything happened to you, I will be serving Hotdogs in the cafeteria for life.

Lady Jaye smiled at the mountain climber. Well, I am perfectly fine as you both can see, and Alpine, Im glad you wont be serving any of your Hotdogs, you always burn them.

Funny. What is this room? he asked.

I dont know. But from the looks of it, it must had been a hiding place. In these types of castles, families always hid special objects and jewels in secret rooms. But this one looks completely empty.

Flint held the torch for Lady Jaye to lead her out of the room. How did you find me? she asked him.

Alpine came running, screaming that you disappeared. So, we backtracked where you were, and I found the hidden switch. So glad that I did. His arm circled her shoulders.

Me too. She gave him a big smile, and their lips gently found each other.

Alpine coughed. His eyes scanned the ground, giving them some privacy. Whats this? he thought, picking up a small green stone. This will look great in my rock collection! He put the stone in his front pocket.

Did you find anything, Flint? Lady Jaye asked the warrant officer, stepping out of the hidden room.

He shook his head, Only dirt, lot and lots of dirt. Duke is not going to be a happy man when he reads my report.

Can we get out of here? Alpine pleaded. He had followed the other two Joes back into the dark hallway. The wall began slide, closing, and almost crushed his leg.

Flint nodded. Let me call Scarlett on the– But his words were cut off.

YEEEAHHH! A very loud shriek came from down the hallway from the large room. Within moments, Shipwreck came hurrying towards them, his expression filled with terror and pure white.

Scarletts voice echoed from down the dark hallway, Shipwreck!

The warrant officer had barely time to step aside as Shipwreck smashed into him. Now what did you do? he growled towards the sailor.

Shipwrecks eyes were larger than any of them had seen before, his features showing only terror. Ahee.. Ahee ..Ahee. was the only sound coming from his throat. His hand slowly rose, shaking and pointed down the pitch-black hall.

Scarlett finally caught up with him. Will you please explain what happened back there?

Ghh..Ghh..Ghost. his voice shook.

WHAT! Alpine said louder than he intended. Oh, this story I have to hear! He crossed his arms and leaned against the stone wall.

Shipwreck began to explain that when he and Scarlett split up, he found himself in a room and saw a candle holder floating on its own.

As the sailor continued on word by word of his haunting experience, a sound behind them caught Lady Jayes attention. She turned around, her eyes searching for any movement. Taking a few steps down the dark hall, her breath froze.

There, standing a few feet away from her was a long red-haired lady, wearing an dark green gown, a gold belt on her waist and a long black cloak covering most of her body. Her dark green eyes stared directly into Lady Jayes before she vanished in a blink of an eye.

Jaye? Scarletts hand gently touched her shoulder. You alright? her voice was full of concern.

Shaking the illusion out of her head, she turned to her friend. Im fine.

Scarlett nodded, Ok. Flint just called Duke, were going back to Headquarters.

Lady Jaye looked down once more at the darkness, searching, but saw nothing. She turned and saw Flint waiting for her. She smiled towards him while he took his hand into his, and together they followed the rest of the G.I. JOEs .

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